Steun initiatief eerlijke verdeling COVID vaccins

Samen met circa 150 institutionele investeerders steunt Providence Capital het initiatief voor een eerlijke en effectieve verdeling van de COVID-19 vaccins. Van de tot nu toe circa 128 miljoen toegediende vaccindoses is 75% toegediend in 10 landen. Er zijn nog 130 landen met in totaal 2,5 miljard inwoners waar nog geen enkele dosis is toegediend. Als het virus in zoveel landen niet bestreden wordt is het verlies van mensenlevens 2 keer zo hoog en is er een enorm welvaartsverlies.

Meer gegevens over de steun aan het initiatief van de “Access to Medicine Foundation” staat onderstaand.

At launch announcement, February 23, 2021

Today, almost 150 institutional investors, which together manage or advise assets worth more than USD 14 trillion, have issued a call for a fair and equitable global response to the pandemic. In a joint statement coordinated by the @Access to Medicine Foundation, signatories set out three actions to mitigate risks posed by new virus strains and by the funding shortfalls and production gaps that prevent billions of people from receiving COVID-19 tools.

In the statement, institutional investors pledge the strongest support for the ACT Accelerator from the global financial community to date. The signatories also commit to playing their own part through working with the Access to Medicine Foundation to engage with healthcare companies and recommend that governments and international organisations explore the feasibility of innovative finance mechanisms for national and global COVID-19 responses.

The initiative builds on the outcomes of the first virtual meeting of G7 leaders last week, where G7 members announced over US$4.3 billion of new investments into the ACT Accelerator and paves the way for a series of G7 and G20 meetings in the coming months, following the creation of the G20 High-Level Independent Panel on financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response. Read the full statement here: Statement