How do we support you with asset management

You decide which part of your assets and which management responsibilites you outsource to us. Together we conclude on the right approach. Specialized fund managers, the relevant investment strategies and the decision which custodian bank to use.

Multi strategy

We are using all asset classes in oder to establish the optimal allocation within your portfolio. Through extensive scenario analyses we provide you with insight into the risks of the relevant portfolios. Research and experience prove that the diversification over asset classes is a determing factor for long term performance.

Multi manager

No single financial institution employs the best investment managers in all areas of the investments universe. Within our investment policy we therefore only invest directly or indirectly in funds of the best external managers and index funds.

Risk management

We manage risk both on portfolio level and on the level of the underlying investment funds we invest in.

Portfolio mandates

  • Investment objective and risk analysis
  • Monotoring downside risk (ex-ante, before portfolio changes and ex-post) through dynamic risk management
  • Specific restrictions are monitored within our portfolio management system
  • Rebalancing
  • Factor analyses, preventing unwarranted concentration
  • Monitoring and managing of the tracking error

Investment funds

  • Monitoring o.a. performance risk, style drift, active share, concentration, liquidity and leverage
  • ESG review whether underlying investments are in compliance with defined criteria

Responsible investing

Providence Capital recognizes the importance of the transition to a more sustainable economy and the role investors can play in this.

More information can be found underĀ ESG Policy.

We support you with your asset management

We are your leading contact for asset management and strategic investing.


Chief investment Officer



Robbert-Jan Gelissen
