Providence Capital

Remuneration policy

Providence Capital has a comprehensive remuneration policy. A proper remuneration policy is a means that contributes to mitigate the  risks that Providence Capital runs whereas the focus within the company is on safeguarding the interests of our clients and the company in the longer term. This means, among other things, that Providence Capital prevents employees from being incentivized by rewards to treat clients carelessly and not fulfill our duty of due care.

The basic principle in the remuneration policy is that Providence Capital benefits from a stable and high-quality workforce rewarded with a fixed, market- conform  salary.

A number of Providence Capital employees, including most partners, receive a (fixed) management fee for the services they provide. Other employees are employed by Providence Capital and receive a fixed salary.

In certain cases, a limited variable remuneration may be awarded in addition to the fixed remuneration. This is always done on a discretionary basis and an allocation is based on the performance of the relevant employee.

In assessing a performance, both financial and non-financial performance indicators (such as customer satisfaction or responsible risk behavior) are taken into account. The non-financial performance indicators are aimed at prudent, honest and customer-oriented actions, with a focus on the long-term interests of the client and our company. In addition, Providence Capital has the option to adjust and reclaim variable remuneration under certain circumstances. The set-up of the remuneration policy, in which fixed remunerations are the most important and the measures that Providence Capital has also taken for variable remuneration, do not encourage undesirable behaviour, such as taking irresponsible (sustainability) risks. In this way, the remuneration policy does not provide an incentive for employees to take irresponsible investment risks when making investment decisions.

If a variable remuneration is awarded, it will in principle not exceed a ‘cap’ of 20% of the fixed remuneration as is specified by the legislator. Under certain conditions, the legislator allows a variable remuneration to be awarded to an employee that is higher than 20%. Providence Capital keeps the possibility open to make use of this and will comply with  statutory conditions in these cases.