The responsible investment policy of PCNV has been developed for direct investments in government bonds and indirect investments through investment funds and can also be summarised as follows:
PCNV integrates for all asset classes, within practical limitations, fundamental criteria to improve the ESG performances of fund managers and the companies in which they invest. For this purpose, we subscribe to the Global Compact principles of the United Nations (UN), the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the UN Security Council sanction list and applicable laws and regulations.
This policy has the two-fold objective of preventing fund managers from investing in companies deemed irresponsbile and encouraging sound consideration for investing in companies that have obtained a higher ESG score. This policy stimulates fund managers to invest responsibly.
In implementing the responsible investment policy, fund managers could adopt the following procdures:
- exclusion of companies (negative screening),
- selection of best-in-class companies within the respective sectors (positive screening),
- dialogue with companies (engagement),
- excercising voting rights (voting on shareholder meetings) and
- selection of companies based on sustainable investment themes.