Complaints procedure
Complaints procedure
Providence Capital N.V. aims at an adequate and careful provision of services for its clients. You may, however, at times not be entirely satisfied with the services offered. For that reason, Providence Capital N.V. has a complaints procedure in place in order or handle any complaints adequately.
Filing your complaint
For purposes of filing complaints, time is of the essence. The longer you wait, the more difficult it may become to retrieve all information needed for us to take due care in handling your complaint.
You may file your complaint by telephone, by email, by regular post or in person with your contact or with the management board of Providence Capital.
If you wish to submit your complaint in writing, please direct it to: Providence Capital N.V., PO Box 286, 1400 AG Bussum, The Netherlands.
When filing a complaint, you need to provide a description of the complaint, as well as your name and address details, telephone number and email address. These data and any correspondence to be exchanged in respect of the complaint will be registered by Providence Capital.
We aim at sending you a confirmation of receipt within two workday of receipt of the complaint.
Handling of the complaint
Complaints will be handled by the management board of Providence Capital. The management board will particularly determine whether the complaint is founded and, where necessary, investigate the cause of the complaint. In this respect, it will also be reviewed whether adequate measures can immediately be taken in order to avoid repetition. In the handling of the complaint, at least the Compliance Officer of Providence Capital will also be involved.
Providence Capital aims at completion of the complaints handling within 14 works. If it is foreseeable that giving an answer within 14 workdays is not feasible, the management board will notify you, stating the reason for the delay and the term within which you may expect an answer. This term will, in principle, not exceed six weeks.
For purposes of complaints handling, Providence Capital may request you to provide further information. After your complaint has been discussed by the management board of Providence Capital and the complaint has been reviewed in relation to your arguments, the management board of Providence Capital will inform you in writing, stating arguments, of Providence Capital’s position.
Your reaction
If you do not agree to Providence Capital’s position, you may react. Any such reaction must be sent by letter to Providence Capital within six weeks of the date of the letter explaining Providence Capital’s position.
The management board of Providence Capital will review your reaction in consultation with the Complaince Officer. You may expect an answer to your reaction according to the procedure, and within the term, as described above.
Absent your reaction within six weeks, you will be deemed to have agreed to Providence Capital’s position.
Possible follow-up procedure
In the unhoped-for event that you are dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint or the solution offered, you may submit your complaint to Stichting Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (the Financial Services Complaints Board – KiFiD) or take it to court.
As a financial institution, Providence Capital is registered with KiFiD. It accepts the decisions of the KiFiD complaints board as binding.
KiFiD is intended to decide (imminent) disputes with financial institutions. Based on the complaints procedure before KiFiD, you canot submit a written complaint with KiFiD in respect of the services of Providence Capital inless you have submitted the relevant complaint to Providence Capital first.
For more information, please go to

Andries Nieuwland

Berry van Kollem
Director Family Office